The beautiful lilac trees that have been the anchor of the backyard were taken down by the snow that came through here in February. It leaves me heartbroken but such is nature. The yard and life are telling me it’s time to start from scratch.
Category Archives: winter
NW Flower & Garden Show
It’s been at least six years since I last participated in the winter ritual that gets gardeners all in a frenzy, the “too early to really plant anything but it sure is pretty” NW Flower and Garden Show.
To be honest my tolerance for these sorts of has steadily declined and I lasted less than a couple of hours. I guess I am getting pickier about what interests me.
There was one show garden that really caught my eye.
Then on to the real reason I came: dahlias and lilies. Thumbs up to the garden organizers for letting you bring a glass of wine with you every where.
I added this last photo to remind myself to pull out those Heath tiles I’ve had in a box since 2012.
Now to wait a few more weeks until you can really get out and get your hands dirty.
Dawn Viburnum
The Dawn Viburnum is quietly blooming on the back of the hill. I thought it had disappeared as I haven’t noticed it for a few winters.
It’s a brisk but sunny day out and I took the opportunity to spread some banana peels and coffee grounds around the larger roses, covering that with dirt. I am hoping that gives them a fighting chance. Anything is better than what has previously occurred.
Flower Village
I’m a little obsessed about a little village named Zalipie (in Poland) that my sister posted about last night. The entire surface of the village appears to be decorated in a sort of floral tole painting. Given the population hovers around 743 people (wiki) that’s a lot of work for a handful of people.
A travel blog I came across named Lou Messugo underlined the smallness of the place:
“We arrived ravenous and were very happy we’d taken a picnic as Zalipie doesn’t have any cafés or shops, just a series of spread out cottages, farm buildings, church and community centre.”
Sounds completely delightful really. As an added side note the author of the blog said her teenage boys grew pretty tired of all the flowery houses but she was able to see quite a few.
More / More / More (seems to lead to OCD compulsion.
The most snow we’ve had for forever kept me at home today. It’s already turning to rain though.
Gardener is impatient.
I haven’t been this itchy to get back to it in about 4 years. Hatching plans and counting down the days to planting weather.
When it gets 10 degrees warmer and I know what I put in the ground will not die, it is time.
Intermittent Snow
It’s probably gone by now but I woke up to a frosty dusting.
The Witchhazel blooms
Feeling fortunate, as I almost always miss seeing the first blooms of my favorite tree in the winter. The smell, so intoxicating, is just starting to come alive. This is the first thing I put in the garden 10 years ago and it still gives me so much pleasure.
I’m itchy for things to start growing. Only insane people go to the nursery in January. It’s been ten years since I bought the original hellebores and they are looking haggard and lost. These two are in pots where you can actually see them.
Black Diamond / Blue Lady Hellebores