The last three weekends have been weeding, weeding, weeding.
This time of year is somewhat a hurry up and wait. So much to do, not a lot of it fun. I have managed to get a head start on things I couldn’t tackle for the past few years, so that feels good.
The blackberries have been subdued for a few weeks but it is stunning how my last entire Sunday was spent taking them down from all over the front yard.
Made some in roads into getting stuff into pots and even tried out the weed torch which I’m meh about (it won’t stay lit).
The lawn mower continues to work too, so I guess that is a good thing.
We’ve had the rainiest and one of the longest and coldest winters on record and spring seems to be late this year. I am pretty sure the lilacs are usually going strong at this point every year and they are just getting ready to bust. Soon.