Tag Archives: chores

Plotting and Planning

Ever since we moved in to this house at the end of 2006 and subsequently started a garden in February of 2007 I’ve keep a hand written journal of projects, plants I’ve planted etc. Or so I had thought. I sat down with my black book this weekend and there was not a single entry for 2011. Just a date where the start of 2012 was. Sigh.

I also found in our shed many unopened seed packets purchased from last year (interspersed with used ones of course) that I need to sit down and figure out what is what. If all the seeds are cooperative that will be quite a score.

Thankfully I sat for a little but yesterday and wrote a few things out so the poor garden journal doesn’t feel neglected three years in a row. Thankfully there has also been the lazy-man’s route of record keeping where I have just made sets of garden activity in Flickr for each year. Perhaps it is time to give those a little review as well.

March 30, 2013

march 2013

So both 2011 and 2012 were a scratch. I neglected to write about the Milagro Garden, which the trough became the centerpiece of. I also started to put together the side garden bench area (which B built for me).

The chickadees are back today. It’s Easter weekend and I spend four hours this afternoon trying to get a very small plot back in working order.

The weather pretty much qualifies as perfect. I just moved the lawn back here and am having my first glass of wine in the green chair at 4pm.

Last Sunday the trees started popping and I spend on miserable week sneezing. On Thursday the pollen count went down and on Friday I was feeling better. The NW Asthma & Allergy site indicated it was trees versus grass/weeds. I had no idea my whole life I’ve had issues with pollan.

B washed the deck and uncovered the BBQ. It’s about 3 degrees above needing a sweater and the pattern the sun is currently making is beautiful.

The plum trees at the very top are starting to flower. My white magnolia has 8 blooms on it and 3 orange tulips are bursting underneath. Not much else is in bloom back here and there is still a mountain of work to do. Grass and dead stuff needs to be pulled.

To do list:

  • This year we will mulch.
  • I’d love to get the bench area in working order.
  • Pansies and violets need to go in.
  • Seeds should be sown.

I always dread the front yard but I have a sudden need to procure two more espaliers  and finally plant dahlias in the front bank.

  • I’d still love to have a stairway built.
  • I’d love to have a bench sitting in front of the York monstrosity.

So far I have not purchased anything and I’m trying to get things (chores) done before launching in to planting. I am trying really hard this year to not buy a bunch of plants that I won’t put into the ground.

The garden is six years old now. It so seems like it should have progressed further, but there have been years of enthusiasm followed by meh.

People (in the neighborhood) have started raised beds in their front yards this year, which I love.

I am looking in the shed and it looks like a junk pile. I’d love to get rid of that crap once and for all.

Time to get more wine and a sweater.

I can’t believe I’ve still never been able to get vines to grow in the secret garden, off of the trellis attached to the shed.

I want a black board with a Eudora Welty poem drafted in white paint. I’m happy I’ve stayed true to the original conception, which is a garden to honor Eudora.

It’s a shady spot, so I can’t grow the magnificent flowers she and her mother had, but we’ll do something in the same spirit.

  • The herb garden……
  • Finally I still want the tools to be properly hung up.