And I see Bobby, and I see Martha and I see….
Romper Room…Mr. Do Bee… Story Book Time… Romper Stompers… London Bridge… Willie the Weatherman… Prayer as a daily ritual…. it’s all coming back.
And I see Bobby, and I see Martha and I see….
Romper Room…Mr. Do Bee… Story Book Time… Romper Stompers… London Bridge… Willie the Weatherman… Prayer as a daily ritual…. it’s all coming back.
Dumb Things I Gotta Do Today
Pressing things I was planning on getting done this weekend before you know,it’s gone.Where to start?
1.Where to start…purchase tickets.
2.Learn to knit.
3.Never mind,I keep saying that. Needlepoint is better.
4.Catch up on TV viewing.
6.Go food shopping.
7.Oh yah, and that stinking laundry. Clean sock drawer
8.Make new friends, use party as a verb.
9.Call to apologize for stupid Memorial Day Weekend filler then offer up a tale of humiliation.
Oh yeah, this is really going to help, thanks a lot. Now I find myself hyperventilating in the bathroom.
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Coincidence or conspiracy theory?
Brooklyn girl gives Nazi salute.
Hitler’s relatives found on Long Island.
*This made me laugh today.
(via an email I received today)-
Horrors of the Cubicle:
“I got called into the office two days ago, I came within a whisker of getting fired. They kept saying “what’s going on” over and over again. My production is supposed to be 100% and it’s at 30%. Then they said “are you on the internet all day?”, and “do you leave early every day?”, and “do you sleep at your desk?”. I looked them straight in the eye and denied everything. Then I told them I suffer from migraine headaches and massive ennui, but I would try to focus and work harder. Surprisingly, I did not get written up or receive any warnings to fly right, but I know the evil eye is staring at me 24-7″
-anonymously posted to save the guilty
If you are feeling passive-aggressive about your job today…Take a look at Disgruntled Housewive’s “Handy tips to help you stomach that soul-crushing job of yours” archive.I love this site that comes out of Austin, TX- a veritable smorgasbord of graphics for starters,helpful hints for the weary,and even naked ladies!
Save this one for after lunch- only if you haven’t had your fill of saccharine yet.Scrolling down this weeks Michael Musto’s Village Voice column,you can read his interview with Charo,to find out why her English is getting worse!
** on a more sober note, thank you to fellow Ex-NorthWesterner Dangerous Monkey yesterday for the knowledge regarding the Seattle earthquake. Sometimes I wonder if East Coast papers can look beyond the tip of their own noses. The NY Times On-line didn’t even list this as breaking news yesterday-it made it to their second tier news section. Fuck them.
I could certainly use a little humor to start this week off. Enter Dewey’s Deathpool 2001. This cheery new addition to a most appreciated site,is generated by Mr.Dewey Webb.
In his embracement of all that is kitsch and everything that is weird, he has built quite a comprehensive empire of facts. If you have some time to kill, take a tour through his Objet of the Weeksection. Who ever knew Mr.Blackwell and Edith Massey both cut records (w/ sound bites to prove it!)?
You can spy all other kinds of Hollywood related gems as well, but I’m most envious of the fact that he has met glamour lady Liz Renay in person!
Rainy,cold Sundays. I am thinking that February and winter have pretty much worn out their welcome this year. I came across a website today that is taking the whole winter thing in better stride than I am. Moonmilk is this great,dare I say optimisticallypicturesque site that is documenting some of the small but greatthings that go on around Brooklyn. A really nice touch is theDaily:Almost Live Bulb Cam.
That is the question.
…And after that I think I better go hang out in Jeff Krulik’sHeavy Metal parking lot and drink a 40.
What it means to be a Southern Floridian
“My business card says “Guitarist, Inventor, Engineer, Eternal Child”
Animal, rock or mineral? Disney on Parade meets The Naked Civil Servant? In the maybe-too-much-information bin, a site that reconfirms recent speculation that the web really one big culture of nar·cis·sism. Maybe I am just jealous of one who has time on their hands to also sprout pages regarding their philosophical meanderings, and create entire clothing collections for themselves. Perhaps I could catch up if I just started out small.
What it means to be a Southern Floridian
“My business card says “Guitarist, Inventor, Engineer, Eternal Child”
Animal, rock or mineral? Disney on Parade meets The Naked Civil Servant? In the maybe-too-much-information bin, a site that reconfirms recent speculation that the web really one big culture of nar·cis·sism. Maybe I am just jealous of one who has time on their hands to also sprout pages regarding their philosophical meanderings, and create entire clothing collections for themselves. Perhaps I could catch up if I just started out small.
This isn’t the Discovery Channel:
Set your VCR’s now for Saturday morning… this is by far (to me anyway) the strangest thing on TV right now. See how this(uh)”fast-paced” show delivers detailed information on how to attract game,dress for combat and pack your rifle for airport transport. See two guys whispering to each other in the bushes.
Classified as a live action hunting show and brought to you by the folks over at the Wild Life Turkey Federation, I am trying to wrap my mind around their rationalizations for calling themselves a conservation organization. Its certainly not like I sit down to a Tofurky for Thanksgiving Dinner, but there is something mildly disturbing in all of this, especially the super graphics during their sponsorship commercials. Bonus points: check out the trailcam.
I found myself partaking in an unintentional addition to the Simian Cinema week goings-on (mentioned on DangerousMonkey) thanks to my ever gracious coworker/movie fiend Doug’s recommendation. While at home today with the fever and chills,I was cheered by a viewing of the 1949 version of Mighty Joe Young, to my utter delight. Where was I in the land of midnight movie showings of this one?
In honor of President’s Day and in light of our new administration, I would like to reflect on some of the things that make our country so great.
Only in America could you find someone willing and ambitious enough to improve upon Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel. At the beautiful Precious Moments Chapel in Carthage, MO., rediscover a more G rated version (none of those pesky Italian nudes)…and they all speak English. See for yourself.
Just had to mention I can’t stop obsessing over my new EggWave. It is the coolest thing I have ever seen. And I am totally serious about that.
Meanwhile,back at the ranch while chewing on my freshly microwaved omelet I came to pass over this, a blast from the past- Mr. Fisk and Co. Glad to see the old Ellensburg campfires are burning. And on to more happy trails…Van Conner’s Strange World rules, if only for the extra special friendship and merchandising deal he has struck up with the wonderful Tanya Harding.
Get Crafty. This winter sucks, but this page is awesome. I think I am going to pull my head out and learn how to crochet!
Almost too late, but today is Laura Linney’s birthday. That is my post, recent-obsessive Tales of the City salute.
Speaking of movie relational things, in the last week,I’ve been privy to hearing two separate references to FRITZ THE CAT, including a blow by blow description of said plot line on the morning commute this am. And like, what’s up with that?
(Edit- the first handful of posts here…..Wayback Machine)
copyright ©carolyn zick, with black coffee and oil paint 2025 | site work by chris cline